Friday, January 14, 2011

Seeing Red

Sight fishing for redfish is what I’m referring to when “seeing red”. Now is the time of year when you have the best opportunity to actually see these fish in the water. When the algae that causes the water to become a dark color is killed of by cold water, it becomes clear. As long as there is no wind (a slight wind will cause a chop on the water making sight fishing difficult) or rain (rain can darken the water) your chances of seeing red are excellent. Low water level also improves conditions. The deeper the water gets the less clarity you have.
For example: I was out a couple of weeks ago and entered an area at low tide where I found crystal clear water conditions. I could see everything on the bottom; it was like looking into a glass of gin. Conditions like that can also give the fish an advantage as I soon found out. As easily as you can see them they can also see you just as easily. I was casting a shallow shoreline for fish when I began approaching a creek mouth lined with oyster bars when I noticed some mullet acting nervous. As I got a little closer a redfish exploded on the mullet and then another. At this point my adrenaline starting taking over and I let myself get a little too close to the action. Being in only about a foot and a half of water I looked down to make sure I wasn’t going to run up on an oyster bar when I noticed the school of fish started swimming by the boat. There must have been fifty of them and not a one smaller than 25 inches.
There was still one active fish left on that bar that ate the fly I cast to it. He took off with my fly and the battle was on. I landed that fish and it measured 28 ¼ inches.
I found that school a couple of more times but when they saw me they took off before I had a chance to cast to them. Had I been on the poling platform instead of the fore deck I probably would have had a better chance of spotting them before they spotted me.
Speckled sea trout season is once again open south of the Flagler County line. Trout up to 5 lbs have been landed in the Highbridge area along with some decent size flounder. Berkley Gulp on a jighead or a 1/8 ounce black bucktail jig is catching these fish.
Find a windless day and get out to “see red”.

Capt Rob Ottlein